Securing collaborative spectrum sensing against untrustworthy secondary users in cognitive radio networks

Wenkai Wang, Husheng Li, Yan Sun, Zhu Han

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67 Citations (Scopus)


Cognitive radio is a revolutionary paradigm to migrate the spectrum scarcity problem in wireless networks. In cognitive radio networks, collaborative spectrum sensing is considered as an effective method to improve the performance of primary user detection. For current collaborative spectrum sensing schemes, secondary users are usually assumed to report their sensing information honestly. However, compromised nodes can send false sensing information to mislead the system. In this paper, we study the detection of untrustworthy secondary users in cognitive radio networks. We first analyze the case when there is only one compromised node in collaborative spectrum sensing schemes. Then we investigate the scenario that there are multiple compromised nodes. Defense schemes are proposed to detect malicious nodes according to their reporting histories. We calculate the suspicious level of all nodes based on their reports. The reports from nodes with high suspicious levels will be excluded in decision-making. Compared with existing defense methods, the proposed scheme can effectively differentiate malicious nodes and honest nodes. As a result, it can significantly improve the performance of collaborative sensing. For example, when there are 10 secondary users, with the primary user detection rate being equal to 0.99, one malicious user can make the false alarm rate (Pf) increase to 72. The proposed scheme can reduce it to 5%. Two malicious users can make Pf increase to 85% and the proposed scheme reduces it to 8%.

Original languageEnglish
Article number695750
JournalEurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work is supported by CNS-0905556, NSF Award no. 0910461, no. 0831315, no. 0831451 and no. 0901425.


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